I've done some really big walks with a group of friends too, now the evenings are light we've left the roads and started walking across the nearby fields and up some very steep hills. I can definitely feel the difference in my jeans and trousers.
Some of the countryside (and hills) we've been tackling.
I also dusted off the Wii Fit Board (literally) and started using that on the nights I don't do a big walk, my arms are aching from boxing!
I am finding my calorie target very easy to stick too as well and feeling much less hungry than usual. I've really upped my water intake too.
Using my Fitbit Zip to count how many steps and recording what I've eaten using My Fitness Pal shows me calories consumed versus calories burned which I find really motivating. After a 5.5 mile walk with the girls last night on top of the usual daily steps I did over 20,000 steps. I'd done 19,300 when I got in so I paced around the room to get to 20,000. I think my husband thought I had lost the plot but I knew if I sat down I would stiffen up and not be able to do anything apart from crawl to bed.
It's my sister in laws 40th birthday this weekend and we are out all day on Saturday on an 'Ale Trail' so not only will I be consuming my body weight in lager, cider and vodka but I will need to line my stomach too, and probably have a curry at the end of the night. That's going to be my day off and I'm doing another 5/6 mile walk tomorrow night, at least 3 miles Friday morning and just sticking to the plan rigidly before and afterwards.
Next time I blog I WILL have lost my first stone!!!