Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Stupid Scales

I'm so not a happy bunny with the scales tonight. I have been sooooooooo good this week, treated myself on Sunday to cheesecake and wine but the rest of the week I hardly had any syns. I've done nearly 10 hours of excerise covering 18.5 miles, most of which were in the deep deep snow and six of them were dragging the kids on their sledges up some very steep hills too so imagine my disappointment when I went to weigh in to stay the same!!! Not even lost a measly pound.

It's taken an enormous amount of will power not to throw myself face first into the kids Xmas chocolate goodies to comfort eat myself happy? The Hubby reckons it's cos I've built muscle, blah blah blah.  Whatever the reason I am miffed to say the least.

It had better show on the scales next week. Hubby says I need to measure myself  so if I have weeks like this I can see if I've lost inches instead of pounds but what if I haven't lost either.  Then I could have an all out tantrum. And I can't imagine that would be a pretty sight. I suppose he might have a point.

On the happier side tonight I must've burnt some more calories jumping round the room screaming at the TV as Bradford City make it to Wembley in the league cup final.  And instead of the kids chocolate, I had a couple of vodka and diet cokes to calm to football nerves. I can't imagine a trip to Wembley is going to be syn free.  There'll be a few pints supped then.  Best get food optimising and exercising before hand in preparation.

Hubby is away working in Birmingham (city happened to be playing tonight's game at Aston Villa, that worked out well for him) so me and the kids had yet more snow fun in the back garden tonight and made ourselves a teeny tiny snowman followed by a snowball fight. (More calories burned??)

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