Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Clinging onto my shiney sticker

Well the last didn't go so well, I had a number of naughty things that I really shouldn't have had but then I also walked 32 miles with the crazy dog so was a little bit peeved to put half a pound back on. 

I know I hadn't been perfect but hoped the walking would have made up for it.  At least I clung on to my shiney sticker as I have still lost half a stone.

We had the tasting night at class last week too, I didn't make a curry in the end which is a good job as someone else had, I made falafels instead. They went down really well with people asking for the recipe.  They taste a bit like onion bhaji's and are syn free:

Baked Falafel's

1 x red onion
1 x tin of chick peas (and a little spalsh of the water from tin)
1 x red chilli
2 x eggs
2 x tsp ground cumin
2 x tsp ground corriander
4 x garlic cloves (at least)
1/2 tsp baking powder
bing bunch fresh coriander

method - chuck it all in the food processor and blitz, either put in a dish/baking tin or shape into rounds and cook for 20 mins or so.

Dead easy and something syn free to snack on, I have them with a syn free yoghurt and mint dip.

My week after that hasn't been too great either, a very stressful week at work announcing potential redundancies coupled with bonfire night and all the goodies that come with it have lead to a few naughty bits and peices but I have also been poorly with a stomach bug so hoping that evens it all out.

Can't go to class this week so back on with being good today to see a loss next week, got another bonfire night party this saturday so need to be extra good before that.  Day off work today due to car MOT meant I had time to cook a lovely breakfast of homemade hashbrown, bacon and poached eggs. yum yum yum.  About to burn it off on a long rainy dog walk.

oh and the garage just called to say the car is going to cost £450 and seen as I have spent £200 on it already in the last two weeks that means I can't afford to eat anyway.  Size 8 here I come!!!

Good luck to everyone else try to shift the pounds.  Slowly but surely.

1 comment:

  1. 32 miles, wow! Even if you didn't lose weight, it's all going to be beneficial to your fitness. The falafels sound delicious, and good luck!
